Become an Owner of an Established Premier Mobile Detailer
Speedy K’s Business Opportunities
Established Clients
Our locations have many established clients! Together Speedy K’s has detailed over 185,000 Automobiles and 22,500 Recreational Vehicles.

Flexible Locations
Take over an already established Speedy K’s Location, OR use our renowned name all around the country!

Speedy K’s Business Opportunities Video

Columbus, Ohio
Take over a region of Columbus’ premier mobile detailer! Annual gross income for complete Speedy K’s Columbus Location around $160,000-175,000 per year depending crew and days worked. This total is working about 9 months in total a year with only 2 crew members. Your income will go up the more crew members you have more you wish to work within the company. These prices include all the necessary equipment to start your detailing dream! Packages start at just $37,500
Erie, Pennsylvania
Take control of the entire Erie, PA territory! For just $35,000 you can be the sole owner of this territory. This package includes everything needed to live run a professional detailing business.

Interested in another location?
Use the Speedy Ks name and resources, all around the country! This is for those interested in a business opportunity with Speedy Ks, but are not from the Columbus, OH area. Use our renowned name and many of our resources to start your business wherever you are from! Click below to fill out a contact form!
Pressure Washing Opportunity
Take over Speedy Ks Pressure Washing Services Division! This is for the ENTIRE Central Ohio pressure washing division. This comes with all of the supplies needed including an entire Pressure Washing Trailer System. Starting at $29,550.